Source Code

Trailer Line

Lines from movies you only remember because of the trailer

"Turtle, Turtle" is a trailer line only.

by 60MinutesInHavana November 22, 2017

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Trailer Baby

An offensive name for a girl who has an undeniable attraction to red-neck men. Synonym's for "Trailer Baby" are as follows: Trailer trash, White trash and hood-rat. Trailer Babies can often come across as clingy, desperate and willing to settle for any red-neck man; most likely bottom-feeding, Southern accented, truck-loving, cussing and uneducated men that live a red-neck stereotype.

Janelle: Did you hear about Shelley's new boyfriend Allen? He dropped out of high-school and lives in a trailer-park with his mom.

Amber: Surprise surprise. Shelley has always been such a Trailer Baby. I'll be surprised if she doesn't show up pregnant in a few weeks.

by KamberLeigh January 19, 2009

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Trailer hitch

Another way of saying belly button piercing

Wow your trailer hitch looks good I love them

by Hermner January 11, 2022

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fuck trailer

(Origin: White County, Georgia) An uninhabited trailer, sometimes it's in a trailer park and other times its in the middle of nowhere. There is usually trash and sometimes even a mattress. Frequently used by teenagers and the homeless to perform illicit activities such as sex and drug use.

I woke up next to some chick in a fuck trailer in White County, how drunk was I last night?

by guts24601 October 3, 2013

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trailer cicle

Those crappy flavored freeze pops you buy in a cardboard box that are not frozen when you buy them.

Me: Hey man where did you get that giant trailer cicle?

Jim: 7-11, they had them for like 50 cents

by ClownShoes123 July 11, 2010

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Trailer turd

Body waste after eating white trash foods like Squeeze cheese, pork rinds, Spam or anything out of a toaster oven.

"Don't use the trailer's bathroom for a few, I just had major trailer turd."

by Ferocia October 9, 2012

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trailer hitching

Similar to tailgating, trailer hitching is a social event held around the trailer hitch of a vehicle. Trailer hitching often involves consuming alcoholic beverages and grilling food. Tailgate parties usually occur in the parking lots at stadiums and arenas before, and occasionally after or during, sporting events and concerts.

-Hey man, my truck broke so I drove my jeep to Gillette Stadium before Warped Tour
-That's okay, even though you don't have a tailgate to sit on, we can still cook out some food and bring a cooler full of booze for the pre-gaming
-Yeah, I'd be down for some trailer hitching

by omgzlys April 9, 2009

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