A guy who like doing calves and sucking off men without them knowing . He also runs back yard gangbangs with big black men and little girls
Yo I think Kevin is a richee Tran.
A Bagel That Has Made A Choice.
Look At Betty With Her Trans-Bagel. 0_0
blond chink, part of the most hated group at katy highschool. feen.... got logged out of her netflix account.... alcoholic much....druggie much.....
omg have you seen that short chink London Tran?!
"which one the blond one?"
And what if I don't like nuts Jeremy? You made a candy bar out of spite that forces people who don't like nuts to eat candy that doesn't coincide with their gender you idiot.
Hym "The candy I have to eat doesn't coincide with my biological gender Jeremy. I don't control how I feel inside about nuts. I can't change my food palete. What am I supposed to do Jeremy? If I let your kids see me eating the wrong candy bar are you going to throw me in prison? Do I get a choice as to which candy I buy or do I just tell you my biological gender? I guess I'm trans candy now huh?
A person who is both bisexual (attraction to men and women) and transgender (changing your sex from your birth sex to the other.)
"I wish there was a shorter way to say that I'm bisexual and trans."
"Oh,so you mean bi-trans?"
person 1: oh look it’s an asian ho
person 2: it’s Lauren Tran