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tumblr feminist

A young girl (usually between the ages of 16-21) Who became a feminist after she got a tumblr account. Commonly believes that all men are chauvinists even though they usually fuck any random neckbeard

She got a tumblr. Now shes turned into a tumblr feminist

by hiphop4real November 3, 2013

351๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

tumblr feminist

A girl (or boy, but generally a girl) who thinks that re-blogging photos from their parent's basement on a MacBook that they didn't buy with their own money is "being an activist" when in reality they have probably never gone to a protest, fundraiser, or meeting for any social justice organization and probably never will cause any civil change in their lifetime. Similar to a "Facebook Activist" a la the Kony 2012 viral video.

A Tumblr Feminist will also post pictures of themselves naked or half-naked on the internet and claim it is "art" and attack any person who talks about their body (despite the fact they posted their tits on the internet).

"Amy is a total Tumblr Feminist, one time she wrongfully accused that guy of rape just to get some twitter followers."

by Muumuu House December 21, 2013

273๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tumblr Person

Mostly teenage girls that spend the majority of their time on tumblr laughing at text posts made by other tumblr people and watching shows like supernatural, pretty little liars, and American horror story. These people have a very sarcastic sense of humor and are usually a bit antisocial when offline. These people don't get a lot of sleep due to tumblr. The text posts made by tumblr people are usually very relatable to other tumblr people, but tumblr can be a very scary place sometimes if you are not a tumblr person.

Tumblr person's text post: *angles laptop away from whoever sits next to me*

by Tumblrpeoplearelyfe December 21, 2013

22๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


To make a situation or thing worse than originally was, despite constant criticism. Based off of the staff on Tumblr, who consistently create unnecessary updates that the users hate.

Man, Jimmy really tumblr-staffed our chances for the finals when we told him not to try and go for those three-point shots.

by Undead32 September 3, 2015

Tumblr Girl

A teenage white girl who likes to post depressing selfies and put a quote that's supposed to be inspirational and inspire people and make them either:
A. Fall in love, or
B. Not kill themselves
Or song lyrics as the caption. They are usually very pretty, but if someone comments on their picture like "You're so pretty!", they'll be like "I'm nowhere near pretty, but you're gorg!" They post pictures of their food and Starbucks, too. Oh yea, and they write in all lowercase. They'll never admit their a tumblr girl and they are either hippies or emo girls. They like vintage clothes by the way.

Tumblr girl: *Takes selfie wearing a crop top and high waisted shorts, looking to the distance and not smiling in front of a brick wall. Posts selfie. Sets caption as "I'll wait for you forever, because I honestly don't want anybody else"*
Normal girl: *Comments on picture* "OMG you're so gorgeous!!"
Tumblr girl: "I'm far from gorgeous, but you're perfโ™ก"

by crocs > uggs December 31, 2014

412๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tumblr Crush

A crush on someone you've met on Tumblr or a crush on their blog.

Anne: I have a Tumblr crush on someone I've met online.
Billy: I have a Tumblr crush on your blog.

by billy72 January 14, 2012

40๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tumblr Feminist

A female, usually a teen or pre-teen, occasionally older, that claims all men are misogynist pigs, and pointlessly whine about the pay gap, or other normal topics which they verbally complain about, but don't actually do anything that will change it. They commonly mistake idealism for sexism, and use countless double standards.

Tom- I heard Katie's a tumblr feminist now
Jake- Yeah, she kept bitching and moaning about men and how they're all pigs
Tom- It's probably because she can't get a boyfriend

by Scarlett Blowhandjob June 20, 2014

201๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž