The most badass human to exist. He is the king of burpees. He does 1000 burpees “just cause”. He’s in the marine special forces and doesn’t give a fuck about you. he is made of 100% beast.
random guy “Damn i just saw the most badass dude in the world”
friend “dang i can’t believe you saw him the Iron Wolf
The wolf cricket with its long bushy tail can be kinda retarded like the people who call it a wolf cricket known to get hit by cars... a lot
and also known as a squirrel
Look there pa it’s a gosh damn wolf cricket!!
To move your bowels/take a poop.
I better find a toilet fast because I really need to duke a wolf.
An older gentleman at the bar with physical characteristics similar to Treat Williams who attempts to engage straight men in butt sex through buying them alcoholic beverages.
Chris: Why is that fake ass Treat Williams stand in buying you all these drinks?
Jackson: 'Cause he's a total Butt Wolf and he thinks if I get drunk he can sodomize me.
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The act of searching on WolframAlpha in hopes that a solution to a mind-boggling problem previously unknown to mankind will be spontaneously unveiled.
After several attempts of Wolf-ramming the phrase "(average velocity of Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick)/(average force of Bruce Lee's kung fu chop)" John gave up and Googled it instead.
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the whistle you do when a hot dude/girl walks by. usually considered rude.
Joe wolf whistled when Carrie walked by
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She had such a wolf puss it took a weed eater to find the clam.
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