A person's level of disbelief, shock or surprise.
The moment Mary found out her boyfriend might be a distant cousin the needle on her "WTF-ometer" started twitching upward at a rapid rate!!!
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Similar to ROFL-Waffle. Just another silly and pointless internet term.
WTF Tomato, my boss is a jerk today.
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Lad: wtf?
Man: yes I Want To Fuck
Caution; some peolpe respond with physical action being a undesired response!
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it means wrickled titty fuzz.
one meaning does.
another means wut the fuc*
and they are also many others.
usally used in disbelif and uses a excamation mark (!) instead of a question mark (?).
You have WTF!!
Omg no way, wtf, why wuld she say that!?
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WTF is the abbreviation for "What the Fuck", though it can also be for who, where, why, when the fuck. People usually put "?!" after WTF, or they just put a question mark. People usually say WTF when they are really shocked by something, that is crazy or really weird or its just a WTF moment.
Dude 1:"Dude, guess what? I killed a dude for no reason"
Dude 2: "WTF?!??! What is wrong with you dude?!?!?"
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Wtf adds are female Facebook whore- selfie posts." WANT TO FUCK PICTURES"
have you seen Stacie's FB page lately? that slut posted 10 wtf adds this week.
the basic reaction to the weirdest shit japan does. lick a cat, make out with an egg yolk and so on.
Person1 : yo come here and check out this 4chan post