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dancing with snow white

Being high on meth, through either smoking or snorting.

She's dancing with snow white and flirting with the monster.

by flirtingwiththemonster February 21, 2014

dancing helmi

an awsome dance only know to the select few. it can only be performed by those rare and blessed with the talent

She was the epitome of cool-ness because she learned how to do the dancing helmi.

by peanUt November 28, 2003

dancing helmi

To dance from side to side in a showing of outrageous glee for no real reason.

Also a popular AIM icon.

She anticipated a joke so she performed the dancing helmi.

by The Burninator November 14, 2003

dance dance revolution master

A dance dance revoulution master gets all the bitches waped around his dong amd dance all gets perfect on every song.

Dyaln is a dance dance revolution master all the bieches

by herffish96 February 9, 2015

gravponic victory dance

a dance made when the editors on urbandictionary finally approve the word gravponics on their site. Since I have defined the word in its most basic form as it is just a portmanteau of 2 words. Ive also noticed that sometimes just because its funny they get approved.

When urban dictionary finally adds gravponics as a word on their site, i will dance around and sing i win, i win, i win, i win. That is the essence of the gravponic victory dance. Also see gravponics confusion and gravponics connundrum which also dont get approved no matter how funny i make these terms, urbandictionary wont approve it.

by doublestandarddems April 19, 2013

geno dance

Large gathering of homosexual from the greater Boston area

Me and my boy Sean both put on our G Unit pants and went to the local geno dance

by kobeGOAT24 May 1, 2010

step dancing

from the Wall Street Journal, 1/12/07, W1: "Step dancing, or stepping, is a form of street dancing that has evolved into a cross between Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Marine Corps basic training."

"'Stomp the Yard,' which was directed by Syvain White, is absolutely fixated by step dancing." (also from the Wall Street Journal, 1/12/07)

by Give credit to WSJ writer Joe Morgenstern January 12, 2007