When a form of entertainment known for killing off characters, typically a television show, goes a long period of time without any character deaths.
The Walking Dead has had a serious death drought lately.
A Soundcloud artist who uses his mic quality to his advantage. Might be one of the most craziest member of the 333 Cult
Person 1: I really wish Tokyos Death blows up
Person 2: yeah. Not in a gay way though
A 2017 movie about a young woman who wakes up on her birthday and gets stuck in a timeloop where she is repeatedly murdered by an unknown person and wakes up, being full aware that the day is repeating itself over and over. In order to escape the timeloop, she must figure out who killed her and reverse the roles of killer and victim. But it's not going to be as easy as it seems.
Happy Death Day was quite well-received. A sequel soon followed, and a third movie is in the works.
When your parents guilt you into hanging out with them because they say you will regret it later if you don’t. Type of manipulation.
Dad: “hey want to go to - with me?” You: “not really” Dad: “you’ll regret that later” you in your head: “he is death guilting me”
Used in terms of “that’s terrible ” or “that sucks ”
P1: My dog died.
P2: thats death, dude.
A syndrome that results in death, with one of the symptoms being life
"he died of death syndrome"
"No he didn't, Gerald, you can't keep saying people died of death syndrome"
Similar of what you’ll call a rat or a snitch
Lady 1:Did you know Katy told the teacher that Isaiah cheated on the finals.
Lady 2:She is such a BLACK DEATH!