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Peruvian Double Take

The act of ejaculating on a girls bush and letting it age for at least a month to a year. Then taking shears and revealing her Inca temple and then Indiana Jones that shit face first and then bust a nut in her cooch and then push her down the stairs.

"She was a thing of beauty I knew I had to make a Peruvian Double Take with this lady"

by Dr. Fell Boien June 4, 2024

Take me to the pumpkin patch

When you are trying to have sex with a girl or guy with a big (pumpkin) butt and your penis is too small so you rub your “pumpkin stem” in their butt cheeks to create friction to get off.

Things got weird. She took me to the pumpkin patch.

We went to the pumpkin patch last night

She said take me to the pumpkin patch and I came in her cheeks.

by DJMAA November 18, 2023

Take a cab

Take a taxi

Did u take a cab to get here?

by HannR January 21, 2023

Taking the piss

Specifically applied to contracting and building work means to price work or variations to work at far above market rates or expectations.

Old mate: "yer, me 20tonner is $500/HR dry hire"
Contract Admin: " Yeah...nah... yah taking the piss something chronic.... I'm paying $500/day and that's it"

by Scotty_dog January 16, 2020

Taking the piss

It can just mean making fun of someone or something, but it can also mean taking liberties, like hogging all of something meant to be a shared resource for yourself.

That's the 35th time you've been back to the all-you-can-eat buffet table and filled three plates, Dave. You are taking the piss now.

by fiachdubh April 4, 2024

taking the piss

It can just mean making fun of someone or something; it can mean blatantly flouting what one knows to be a rule or normally acceptable behaviour, just because one can get away with it; it can mean selfishly taking advantage of someone, or of a situation, or taking a liberty, especially one involving hogging all of what is understood to be a shared resource for oneself.

That's the eighth time you've been back to that all-you-can-eat buffet table and filled three plates, Dave. You're taking the piss now.

by fiachdubh April 4, 2024

Link take my power Link: NYERK

Revali: Link take my power

Link take my power Link: NYERK is a meme

by justletmehaveanamealready November 4, 2021