The action you want to take when someone is very uneducated and doesn’t think.
“You know cami?” “The girl that faked her pregnancy?” “She’s so stupid.” “Think brain think!”
When you know somebody that is so stupid you just want to hit them on the head to get their brain going.
I swear when I heard what cameo did I just wanted to her her in the head and shout think brain think at her.
A person who, without any critical or logical thinking changes into battle. Often to the demise of friends, party and family members.
"God, *name* is such a Warrior Brain."
A much more severe form of brain fog, where you're brain is absolutely polluted due to various substances. You can't think right, your memory is fucked. It's Monday.
I can't remember if I called in sick yet I have the worst brain Smog. Kill me.
When you really have no idea what to say so you just say smth random
"yo those are some nice shoes!! where'd you buy em"
"Shut up Ughh I hate you Your fake abcd We are living in a material world and i am a material girl Why are you up Shut up Creepy Bo tap tap tap its ok dont panic its ok calm down breathe I miss you I am a material girl I wish i could slap her why am i doing this red orange purple caterpillar get up please shut up i wanna go home is that a rat euphoria why is he looking at me hes kinda cute ooh so is she im not ok i need new clothes why are they looking at me i dont like them shes fake wth i think they think im crazy i wanna cry what if i punched her thats weird no stop dont cry why am i crying my legs are asleep does anybody like me im gay wait we know who is we i like marvel my legs wont wake up whys it called word vomit they are trying to talk to me ignore ignore ignore i cant do this please stop time to go ooh thats my sister why is she following me i really dont like her"
"sorry dude, brain spill"
The working brain of a neurodivergent person (adhd or asd)
I forgot where i put my phone down immediately after I put it down it’s just my “brain sparkles”
This word, Bagel Brain is Battle Fore BFDI Donut (BFDI)’s Nickname be a here
Example (Clip be BFB 8)
Donut:You know the drill! I, Bagel Brain, will be your host!
Lollipop:Hahahahaha. You're actually using my nickname?
Donut: Hey shut up, it’s a habit!
Used be A battle for bfb be knowing battle for dream island season 4 be Episode 8 be called be “Questions Answered“. Of one scene be saying a here be word.
Reused be A fandom be copy and paste, and be bfdi is owned by jacknjellify (be A Cary Huang)
BFB is season 4a be clip is here 1:21 Is be word.
Bagel Brain! 🥯🧠