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beans have been split

when the truth has been revealed.

Ibby: do you even know a Sarah?

Melenia: nope!!

Ibby: so the beans have been split!

by November 5, 2023

National Bean Dip Day

On April 12 you get to bean dip anyone of your choice. You may bean dip UNLIMITED times with no coming back. Prepare to be bean dipped!!!

Its national bean dip day boys who trying to get dipped

by BeanDipKing69 April 12, 2018

Leon my bean jealous

It's been 47 days yet I can't get you off my mind even though you have a girlfriend because I love you to the moon and back. No seriously I even love you to Pluto and back but you don't love me too, I would give up everything for you but you won't do that too, I just wanna kiss and hug you, I wanna reassure you, tell you that you'll be alright and that I love you, well anyway this is the message I was going to send you, I guess it's pointless now tho as if you saw it you would probably show her, your girlfriend I mean, oh god I'm jealous of her, she's so beautiful and kind and most of all she has you and your precious addictive heart.

I'm guessing you found this from searching Leon my bean but instead you've got Leon my bean jealous sorry x.

by His_beanie July 13, 2023

Chocolate Covered Coffee Bean

When a dude lies on his back underneath a glass table and a girl sits on the glass table with her butt cheeeks pressed to the glass table and flicks the bean while taking a dump on the glass table.

At Starbucks the other day I asked for a chocolate covered coffee bean at the recommendation of a friend. The Barista ran my credit card for $500 and proceeded to disrobe, press the ham, flick the bean and poop out the ham while I watched from below. Def got a semi.

by RodgerBirthCanal May 20, 2017

Billy Corgan Toe Beans

Beans that belong to Billy Corgan.

Person one: Y'know.. You kinda remind me of some Billy Corgan Toe Beans.
Person two: That's so friendly.

by Eclipse's behind :D October 8, 2023

cool beans hot rice

A phrase only legends say when there kinda chill about a situation and want to move forward , it’s like a calm way of saying yup that’s cool let’s move on

Molly : can I have an autograph I want to be like you when I’m older

Tilly: yeah sure peasant cool beans hot rice

Molly: do you wanna grab lunch

Tilly: yeah sure cool beans hot rice

Molly : did you steal my mums wedding dress
Tilly : yeah yeah cool beans hot rice

by Yllit April 6, 2020

2👍 3👎

National Jelly Bean Day

National Jelly Bean day is celebrated on March 23rd, created by the YouTuber, Steamer, and Tiktok-er; JellyBean.


by Aquar1us March 26, 2022