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Douche Bag Bitch

A female douche bag. A douchess. A women who does the stupidest and most annoying things to embarrass herself, her man/woman and her friends. Most of the time starting fights, getting drunk as hell and loud talking whoever. This is not exclusive to party culture behavior. it's more open to classify any ignore behavior women are notorious for. It covers digital drama, cheating behavior or any other stupidity you can think of. A douche bag bitch just does it exceptionally well!

Natalie from the Bad Girls Club is always talkin' about "I run LA!" That douche bag bitch can't even run her own damn life! Can't keep a friend or a man to save her own damn life!

by Shiny Buster Baby June 9, 2010

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douche bag drinker

One who has a douche bag as a beverage.

Man Jeff is so full of it what a douche bag drinker.

by blackg31 January 19, 2015

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Douche um' up

When someone is commiting an act of douchebaggery and the people around him/her make a "d" shape with their hands and say "D um' up!... DOUCHE!"

Often followed by the douchebag's own form of retaliation (example: "That's what she said", "Screw you", ect.)

Sometimes the "...DOUCHE" ending can be subtracted, leaving the douchebag confused and angry.

Douche um' up.

Douchebag- Jeez. You guys are so boring. blah blah blah.
Anti-douchebags- D um' up! DOUCHE!
Douchebag- Wow, you guys are faggots. blah blah blah.
Anti-douchebags- *walk away in a pack*
Douchebad- You guys are such nerds! blah blah blah.

by Mitchel L October 25, 2007

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Douche Bag Central

When you see a guy who looks like a major douche out in public. The "head" of all douches.

*Major douche walks by*

Guy1: Hey, check out douche bag central over there
Guy2: LOL@ dbag

by Originalshizzz April 8, 2011

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American douche canoe

An American "douche canoe" is the finest of human beings. Riding above a sea of douche you humanity, an American douche canoe stays above the fray; poised, stately, noble. A true American hero

josh and tom always looked up to Adam, the ultimate American douche canoe. He was everything they wanted to be, but could never be. It was both amazing for them and very very sad.

by Italian Beaver August 19, 2017

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serial douche bag

a person that is a complete fuck up and always does douche bag things to his friends and people that care about him. hes a serial douche becuz no matter how much he pisses people off he keeps doin the same things over and over again until he finally burns bridges and has no real friends.

woow my cheating ex is such a serial douche bag, i heard hes in jail for the 6th time this year.

i heard john bailed on his gf again what a serial douche bag

by yourworstnightmare87 May 8, 2011

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1.)A term relating to any person born within the United States or descending from Britain who usually flies an american flag on their car antenna and spends their entire life working for mega-losers who dont give raises and makes thirty times more money than the average douche-o-bot.

1.25) A right wing middle class american modern day slave

1.5)Referring to one who has innate robotic and automatic tendencies toward mental retardation, whose very breath causes extreme aggravation of the autonomic and sympathetic nerve cells of all others around them and... can still manage to be employed.

2.)An automatic retard who perpetually and consistently pisses people off to the point where they are lucky to be alive.

3.)A person of disturbed gender.

That bitch is still flappin her jaw.... i dun knocked her ass out thirty times already... she either brain dead or a complete douche-o-bot.

That douche-o-bot has been working at Micky-D's for over thirty years now! Wow... Superdouche!

by StellaGripsnatch November 6, 2011

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