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A word that meant cigarettes back in the day but later on used as a slur to people inside the lgbtq+ community (especially homosexual people)
It’s origins come from the Spanish Inquisition, where witches were being burned at the stake, gay men were also tortured. They were forced to collect enough sticks (that were known as faggots) and if the amount wasn’t enough they were used as a way to light up the fire. As a result, the word started to be used as a degrading slur.

Person A: Look at Cyrus, he is such a fag
Person B: You probably shouldn’t say that word if you’re not gay yourself because it’s kinda disrespectful
Person A: Oh ok I’m so sorry, I didn’t know the tragedy behind it

by tootiredofpeople January 11, 2021


1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders.
2. A person who owns or frequently drives a Harley.

1: You're a fag
2: I'm not a fag!
1: Yes you are, you ride a Harley.

by kaydooo April 2, 2023


A nickname for a cig in Britain not a gay person YOU DENSE TROGLODYTES

“Hey roll up a fag will ya

by Waitingforgf... May 7, 2021


Rude little boys or girls who bully others and don't know when to shut up.

Man he was being such a rude fag

by Stopbeingjerks September 30, 2022


Fag - British slang for a cigarette. Not well known as it's drowned out by other more-known definitions.

"Aight mate, Imma go out and smoke a fag real quick."

by Introvert Alert February 11, 2024



i am a fag

by yourfatherishotasf March 20, 2023


Short for a cigarette in the UK.

Person 1: alright m8 can you gimme a fag
Person 2: nah bruv I ain’t got any on me

by Facebook Stalker 9000 November 12, 2023