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a game that only 5 year olds and fat retard nigger sperms play. its also a horrible game that sucks bulldick

kid: fortnite is so fucking good imma spend my welfare check on V bucks!!! dad:man i wish i aborted this fucking fat waste of sperm kid: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA dad: man stfu and kys fortnite sucks

by Sugon69 November 21, 2021


A Game where 100 players are dropped on a map, pitted against each other to kill each. You pick up weapons scattered across the map to get to the top. A unique feature of this game, is building. This game also makes kids spend thousands of dollars for in-game currency without kids realizing it.

Chris, do you want to play Fortnite after school?”

by AlienWarForce May 21, 2019


An irrelevant game

FaZe Jarvis plays FortNite

by Bruh0169 November 21, 2019


The most boring video game in the world

Fortnite is so boring it makes me cry

by Twin1's Dictionary April 16, 2020


An Irrelevant Game

FaZe Jarvis plays FortNite and gets banned


by Bruh0169 November 21, 2019


A game that most boys play and get too gassed when they win victory royale . Most girls hate this game which is why most boys who play it are single low life’s

Boy sc story : solo ✌️
Girls reply to sc story : you’re dead at fortnite

by Rg settings March 20, 2018


Possible symptoms are a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person. Or a homosexual person (typically referring to a man).

In short: A gay-ass black niga (no racist meanings)

Oh you play Fortnite? That sucks!
Oh so you play Fortnite? Well that must suck!

by FlyinC4T_iguess August 31, 2021