When you get to two Black a guys and squeeze a Caucasian in the middle
Bob, Carl, Tyrise had a nigger squash on Friday!
a black version of the called jutsu called almighty push curtesy of the rinnegan
this world shall know pain, almighty nigger
One who deems it preferable to munch on the nigger
That nigger Mike is such a nigger muncher.
When someone hits you with their car so you get out and they try to car jack you.
Gotta watch your back in brown town they will nigger tap you and steal your car!
the labia of an african american woman.
look at the nigger patty on that one!
It’s when you don’t have a weed grinder and have to resort to finger picking your weed aka Nigger Picking. The reason it’s called nigger picking is because you pick weed the same way you pick cotton.
Damnn bro, I forgot to bring my grinder. I guess imma have start Nigger picking.
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