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i sassy u

That is one of the worst things to say it means having a small di*k

someone-say I sassy u

other person-I sassy u

by teo knights December 2, 2020

U want sum burd

Rizz god: u want sum dirty burd?
Burd: yes daddy gimme that cock

I’m bouta fuck that dirty burd she wants sum after I asked her “u want sum burd

by Heifer szn March 27, 2023


R U N F R O M M E (AKA: harda dadi)

i R U N across the street trying to escape ur moist toes.

by Juan loves sammiches November 17, 2020


A u-boat is someone who can have an invisible disability and go undetected for years, like a u-boat, or an underwater boat.

So in middle-age, I've been diagnosed with autism. While it explains a lot, I feel like a u-boat.

by Siouxsie Supertramp November 20, 2023

Anal U D

It's a college where Bajpai acts as the big cockblocker sitting over it. Mighty cock you have Bajpai! And random ass tattoo professors and it is NERF 2 yes the NERF rankings where the colleges you get in get you nerfed.

Shi- you got into Anal U D, reconsider, no future ah college.

by nah mann comeon June 20, 2024

Fug u

Fugu means a blowfish in Japanese. Blow fish makes its body bigger when they are threaten, and their intestine is poisonous it could kill a cow with a small drop or its juice. Small Asian could say "fug u" instead of "fuck you."

why is this guy bothering me?

He is Asian and saying to you fug u instead of fuck you.

by Goodchild May 5, 2013

can u stop being annoying

A teacher is around and your pissed but if you curse youll get in hella trouble
AKA means can u stop being the biggest bitch on the planet thank you

Girl:Do u want it,i said you u want it
You"can u stop being annoying

by ilomoilo April 8, 2019