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The guy that sees red as orange , the person who will try a lot of new hobbies and he'll be professionally mediocre in all of them . A person that stays up all night playing minecraft.... he is bad at it . But its ok... minecraft is a hard game... everyone knows that...it's not like it matters or anything... it's not like it would make him a better person...IT'S NOT LIKE IT MAKES HIM A FAILURE!!! JESSICA !!!!

-Hey do you see that guy doing a backflip?

-Well, if you look behind him you'll see George
-Eew he is picking his nose

by GiKaMan April 20, 2020


Overwhelming daddy issues.

That girl has so many georges, what a slut.

by Rule34Tracer March 10, 2017


George is a peculiar fellow, and about as George as they get. Everything George does is unexpected and unexplainable and makes everyone around him question his sanity. He is also really bad at drawing graphs.

Person 1: What is George doing?
Person 2: George is just being George and doing George things

Person 1: Good olโ€™ George

by thjzart March 15, 2022


My world

George is everything he is my world ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’–

by Liv5811 December 2, 2019


Fattest pig alive

Oh look itโ€™s George I wonder how much doughnuts he ate last night

by Cooldudie September 23, 2019


Fattest pig alive .

Oh look itโ€™s George I wonder how many doughnuts he ate last night

by Cooldudie September 23, 2019


Fattest pig alive

Oh look itโ€™s George I wonder how many doughnuts he ate last night

by Cooldudie September 23, 2019