Another word for a meal more delicious than you’ve ever had
Your lasagna is really a make de la shake.
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i was just making an urban dictionary word.
The saying "Every scar I have makes me who I am," signifies that our past experiences, particularly our hardships and challenges, contribute to shaping our personal identity. These scars, physical or emotional, embody our resilience, growth, and survival, making us unique individuals. We are encouraged to embrace, not hide, these experiences as they form part of our life story.
"After going through his recovery, Javein often said, 'Every scar I have makes me who I am,' acknowledging his journey and recognizing how the trials had shaped him into a scarfident individual."
When I state something of fact, without being 100%, or because of misinformation, and someone fact checks me, he “make(s) a liar outta me”.
“Those balloons will not stick to the wall.” Frank grabbed a balloon and stuck it to the wall. Greg says, “Make a liar outta me”.
On november 4 it’s make a song day. Make a song with a ukulele guitar or piano any instrument you want
Carol: Hey Kyle can i hear the song you made?
Kyle: Uhh...Ohh it’s make a song day today
this phrase can be used to insult those who are going crazy and talking about how amazing and cute jinns are. (yes sakim i’m talking about you). it’s said that these type of people suck poopoo and are crazy in the head
“omg max is such a jinn in the making..”
“yeah i know”
When attractive parents birth an ugly child.
“You were definitely a make-a-wish sperm, dude.”