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national patrick star day

a national holiday celebrating the useless presence of patrick star

hey, it's may 15th, i can finally take a break from school because some weirdo created national patrick star day, thank you weirdo.

by adaskarolcuba2 November 27, 2021


A name bestowed upon those whose soul burns florescent throughout the annals of time and space- their power transcends reality and reaches you through dream.

I think I saw Violet-Star in a dream!

by Aramintha December 4, 2019

Art Star

1. A person of incredible glamour and wealth within the art world.

2. A celebrity of the art institutions.

3. A person who rocks the world one artwork at a time with reckless abandon.

A pun off of the term "Rock Star." A term coined by the Yeah Yeah Yeah's in their song "Art Star."

Oh My, is that Damien Hirst? He's an Art Star!

Oh My, is that Tracey Emin? She's an Art Star!

John is so conceited he thinks he's Andy Warhol!

No Way! John's deff NOT an ART STAR!

by WalkerPowerRanger April 7, 2011

Angry Birds Epic: All Stars-gender

people who feel like they're Angry Birds Epic: All Stars-gender

i feel like *Angry Birds Epic: All Stars-gender* aaajuniga

by qdlit October 2, 2024

Feeling like a porn star

To wake up with a hard on.

I woke up feeling like a porn star dick so hard looking larger than normal

by James dick Snyder February 7, 2022

five-star sickness

When you have the super flu and your entire body is ill from sickness, however, you keep soldiering on because you still have class even when you're sick.

Hey, dude, you must be a soldier, because you look like you have the five-star sickness.

by aint that the truth July 18, 2018

Fantastic star

Actor suriya he is realistic actor and his movie are versatile so that make his fanbase in every where of the contry and outcountry so he is fanbase king now so actor suriya now known as fantasticstar

Suriya is fantastic star of indian cinema

by Fantasticstar suriya May 31, 2021