the word that destroy urban dictionary is ※ yea this thing destroys the website
the urban dictionary destroyer is ※
Your name found on Urban Dictionary which has nothing to do with you, yet you repost on social media pretending it was written about you.
All these dumb stupid bitches thing their urban dictionary name definition about them.
The people on urban Dictionary that has to make every word in existence something sexual instead of just giving its actual definition
Person 1: *makes an Urban Dictionary definition*
"The" - when you cum so hard that you're about to explode and get cum all over you because you edged so hard 🥵
Person 2: dude you're one of THOSE Urban Dictionary Users aren't you because I don't think that's what "the" means
a telegram bot which gives you a definition of your word, from urban dictionary
Let's use the urban dictionary bot to find out the meaning of his name!
A place where fellow community members go to deeply insult and potentially emotionally traumatize their beloved friends and family.
Wow she got roasted so hard roast beef got jealous, must be from Roast Dictionary (
People who are probably just wondering where they went wrong making this.
Urban Dictionary Founders: We aren't going to approve this defintion, are we? They can't even spell defintion.
Something UD says when you type in ▥
Urban Dictionary is busy right now.