An expression used to go tell someone to die in a fire. You could use this phrase in a number of scenarios and situations.
1) When you want someone to leave or you just don't care about what they're saying.
2)When you're mad at someone or something because they sound like a total idiot.
3) Used to curse at your teachers because they're mean and assign too much homework because they can't properly teach the subject.
1) Die in a fire bro I don't care that you got a 97.
2)You think 63-56 is 17? Go die in a fire!
3) Die in a fire Mrs. Douville! Do you seriously think I can complete pages 235, 236, 237, 238, and 239 for tomorrow's class?
Many people (especially ages 9-16) use the expression "That's Fire!" a lot. What they usually mean by that is something is so awesome that it is like fire. Or, rather, something is so cool that it is on fire (figuratively). So, to sum it all up, the phrase "That's Fire," is used for awesome things.
Ben: I made a story! Guess what the main character's name is?
Larry: What?
Ben: Bob!
Larry: Wow! That's FIRE!!!, bro!!!
Ben: Yeah. Guess what he does in the book?
Larry: What?
Ben: He eats DINO NUGGETS!!!
Larry: Bro, that's SUS!!!
definitely anything but a chill fire. Ends up being the most ridiculous shit ever.
Ashley said she wants to have a chill fire tonight but I can't operate on one hour of sleep tomorow
Another word for Molotov Cocktail, an incendiary device used by the Finns during the Winter War, and was first used in the Spanish Civil War, before they were named after Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav M. Molotov, who remarked that the bombing runs on Finland were actually supply drops, which they weren't, as one could guess.
"Did you see those LARPers using their Finnish Fire Spell to light their campfire?"
The act of running tor-ward's while having diarrhea then lighting the shit on fire in the middle of the night
She was screaming at someone and running tor-ward's that person and then doing a Midnight Fire
A secret code to call a meeting with people
Zoe, the potatoes are on fire! Meets secretly