Someone who is Asian who says something such as, "I'll give you 20 bucks if you eat that." But then never does. Usually with the name Chelsea.
Look at that ching chong ho ho ho! That bitch owes me 20 bucks!
McDouble hoe means your fat. It can also mean that you have a big 2 patty (A big ass) in a bad way. But most likely your fat
Shut up Mathew you McDouble hoe
Tilia is such a McDouble hoe
has a scary laugh which surprisingly hasn't scared off autumn
if u havent guessed. HE LOVES AUTUMN
yo its Ron Ho, that guy is obsessed with autumn
Refer to the greatest man ever alive from Vietnam. Also, his real name is Hieu, but people usually call him Bac Ho
A: Do you know Ho Quang?
B: No, who's that?
A: He's your dearly Uncle Ho you piece of mother fucking trash
Ho yeung usually is a short king
What? He is only 165cm height? He must be ho yeung.
Pronounced Oh-Hoes, a person that has an a little too much of an obsession or love for/with the state of Ohio, a person who's personality is at least in part reliant on the fact they were born or lived in the state of Ohio.
Jesus, John we knew you're from Ohio, you don't need to remind us every ten minutes, stop being an o-hos.
Did you see John's shirt, looks like he just wrapped himself in the Ohio flag, what an o-ho.