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Jesus is a god name. Although a lot of people have this name it is very unique. Jesus is a very trustworthy person you can trust him on anything and he knows he can trust you. Jesus well treat you right if you treat him right. He is powerful in many certain ways. Jesus can be there whenever you want he is a nice person,and he can protect you.he is a special person. He can be a little bit dorky but just to make you Lough.

Jesus helped me last night

Me and jesus had fun

by Jiisuspo July 17, 2018


He's dumb as fuck. Nothing else and tends to be a piece of shit that lies to his friends, even the ones closest to him.

Jesus is shit.

by YeetMaster5960 October 2, 2020


also known "Papi J" this alien being from another universe is usually a very nice person although other people may refer to him as God He isn't although He is a top D.

Jesu bless you

by thatonerandomguyonurbandict October 22, 2023

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž



I am Jesus - I am Joshua/Josh.

by AuntyPunjab April 9, 2021


Our lord and saviour

Ronnie asked โ€œwho even is Jesus?โ€

โ€œOur lord and saviour you sinnerโ€

by Kdiz August 16, 2021


Jesus a very trustworthy person and loyal human being even if they fuck anything up they'll always try there best to fix it and start all over again no matter how hard they try they'll always get what they set there mind to, will make everyone laugh and put a smile on anyone i little bit of a fruity Pebble and alright good person.

He's probably a bit fruity, will make anyone else laugh, probably Mexican,

And all Jesus have big noses

by Urmom456200 November 23, 2021


"Jesus" is a very common name for Hispanic population Jesus is one of the best friend you'll ever have loyal will always be there for you no matter in what place you in or anything. Will make you laugh and smile no matter. Loving and caring always puts others before him self. Loves one person and one person only even tho they fuck thing's up they'll always try there best to fix it and start all over again from the top. will always get what they want if they set there mind to it no matter what.

Hey Jesus how you doing

"Jesus" hey I'm alright how are you

by Urmom456200 November 23, 2021