Ironic term used went you see a picture of food that isn't exactly enticing.
Look at this dead roadkill.
1.Getting excited from cheaper than usual housing costs.
2. Buying a house and immediately decorating it.
Did you see the price of this house? I have such a Homeowner Boner right now.
A type of boner that arises due to immense pain (usually gut pain or some internal pain) and is pretty embarassing coupled with explosive diarrhea.
guy: god dammit, i'm vomiting, and now I have a pain-boner. great.
When the tongue is erect/ when your done sucking dick and he cums on your face and so your mouth shuts down it’s muscles so that it is stuck in the erect position, giving all access to suck the tongue if desired.
Yesterday, I experienced my very first oral boner, and I wasn’t able to eat for hours!
It’s when you get so angry your dick becomes erect
Man my boss pissed me off so bad I popped an anger boner and everybody looked at me weird
Casually sitting with a boner while massaging it down under a pillow.
I walked out of the bedroom to see my boyfriend doing boner rhythm on our couch in the middle of the night.
Chris's chub that he gets when he doesn't understand a word and looks it up in urban dictionary
Chris had an urban boner for that word