A prolonged distance where one must travel fast to avoid harpoons that are fired at them.
harpoon runs are a common game type in Happy Wheels
Mirai's Run Club (also known as MRC) is a regular sporting event and running activity organised by Japanese artist Mirai / Shudo Mirai. He has been running Mirai's Run Club since 2025 and is the founder.
Me : The Mirai's Run Club is great.
You : MRC is definitely good for health!
"Her leg was twisted improperly on the field of runningness"
The slimy way of when you're running out of time
"Uh oh! Looks like our contestant is running out of slime- I mean slime- I mean slime- I mean slime- I mean slime- I mean-"
Something people say when they are about to fight someone. Fade= throw hands
I'm about to run my fade real quick with that bitch over there, she always wanna be talking shit.
Doing a #2 in a public urinal.
From American Dad, season 12, episode 20, "Gift Me Liberty":
Stan: "I know you're hiding sonething!"
Dick: "(Sobs.) OK! OK! I'm the one taking dumps in the urinals. I call them 'inside-the-park home run'."
When you take a crap in the urinal. Not to be confused with the "upper decker"
Dick hit an inside the park home run.