4 fingers means you think chanelle is cute
him: OMG everyone put 4 fingers up if you find chanelle cute
him:i would always throw up fours for her
For the 4 games that we shit on aka Alabama,Ufa,Alliance fc,and Tennessee
AFU SHITS ON ANY TEAM in ecnl and ecnl r 4 fingers up
When you get so bored that you type all possible letters on your keyboard, but you didnt think about using the option / alt button, did you?
I am so `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}\|aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/? that I could type in qweiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and maybe even mnbvcxzlkjhfdsapoiuytrewq
When you are so damn bored you type every single typeble letter in a portuguese chromebook keyboard
(please end my suffering i'm so fucking bored i dont have anything better to do)
Friend 1: Yo bro what you doin?
Friend 2: "'!1¹@2²#3³$4£%5¢¬&7*8(9)0_-=§˛q/w?e°rtyuiopª{asdfghjklç}º|\zxcvbnm<,>.:;─·ŧħ®ŋ°đ“þø→↓←ŧ«æß»ð©đ“ŋ”ħnĸł´̣̣
Friend 1: Did you just have a fucking stroke
The slang used by blacks to tell they have 450 (450,000)
Bruh you hear Jaquan got 4 fiddy off that lottery ticket?
Ok, You need to stop, it was funny at sex 2, but now you've ruined it
Person 1: Oh my god, they even have a definition for sex 2! This is so funny!
Person 2: Looks up sex 3 next!
Person 1: It stops being funny after a while, Kyle.
Person 2: Look up sex 4 Now!
Person 1: *Dies inside*