Similar to East Grand Rapids High School, 95% of the people are white and rich. With this school is filled with bright minds and smart people, but no one cares and don’t do crap. In this school you will spend three years of your life with an insane amount of depression and be oppressed by the “popular boys”.
Look at those boys with their football hoodies and talking about fingering eachother, they must be from East Grand Rapids Middle School.
A middle school "it's motto is teaching dummies"
Sauk Rapids Middle School is for dummies
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Located in Massachusetts, it's a place with annoying teachers and everyone is pear pressuring you to do something bad. This school is HELL!😶👿
Thurgood Marshall Middle School is another crappy middle school.
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This school is hell it self. Most of the people are fake and shitty. Some teachers have a bad attitude and think that they are better than everyone else. I feel really bad for you if you go to this awful school.
Thurgood Marshall Middle School is real shitty.
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Kind of not a good place to be. A lot of fronkers. There’s a fronking team.
You know that fRoNkEr? Yeah, doesn’t she go to Mark Twain Middle School?
Of course!
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trash ass school with wanna be black kids. horrible football team. racist ass teachers. horrible students.
pendleton hights middle school is so bad!
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The most littlest school!❤️But got a lot of souls🥰No bullying🥺LITT kids🤘🏾They can fight👊🏾They can become real close friends🤞🏾We stick together🤪No snitches🙄
Martha Puckett middle schoolis the littest school in the world.i met my best friend there and we have been friends for10 years!!and there was no bullying.and people stuck up for me.
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