To catch a SO is the act of going out and finding a significant other. By using this slang, you are actively letting surrounding people know you are looking for love.
“Yeah I’m going out tonight, looking to catch a SO!”
Used when describing the app Shelf
"Have you installed Shelf"
"Yeah, Shelf is so cool"
Another way of saying "So True." You can also use T alone to refer to the word True.
Samuel: yo, this new game sucks for how expensive it is.
Dan: so T, bro.
when you get deep dicked in the ass and it hurts to walk after
man my gf gave me anal so hard
I am in to you....or I am in love with you.
you got me so bad, that's for damn sure girl!
adjective used to describe something awesome. Quan is a local celebrity celebrated for his neutral-ness, kindness, and for being a "prime human specimen". please consider adapting "so Quan" as your new best compliment.
"wow, you are so Quan today!"
"thank you!"
"dude that burger place is so Quan"