Source Code

Pass you so hard

When you pass a slow-ass driver on a 2-lane road and leave them in the dust

As I sped by the slow driver I yelled, “I pass you so hard!”

by Sassysundie July 6, 2018

catch a SO

To catch a SO is the act of going out and finding a significant other. By using this slang, you are actively letting surrounding people know you are looking for love.

“Yeah I’m going out tonight, looking to catch a SO!”

by Purplepicklesfrightenme April 26, 2020

shelf is so cool

Used when describing the app Shelf

"Have you installed Shelf"
"Yeah, Shelf is so cool"

by tttaaaarr July 26, 2023

So T

Another way of saying "So True." You can also use T alone to refer to the word True.

Samuel: yo, this new game sucks for how expensive it is.
Dan: so T, bro.

by Chovythebunny June 1, 2024

Anal so hard

when you get deep dicked in the ass and it hurts to walk after

man my gf gave me anal so hard

by TheOGPhoenixV1 May 14, 2022

got me so bad

I am in to you....or I am in love with you.

you got me so bad, that's for damn sure girl!

by Sheenah January 8, 2024