Source Code

One eyed guinea pig

A mans penis

Well, my one eyed guinea pig is fairly large... (Me)

...and then he woke up! (My girlfriend)

by DKRemedy February 13, 2021

Peg the pig

A pig that is similar to peppa pig and she's code for halle and cam made it up and it's just really stupid

Hey look it's peg the pig! She's ugly. Smh

by Halpal July 27, 2017


Pig-ling is an Asian pig

Wow! look its the famous Pig-ling!

by keiticakes February 18, 2025

Pig scrubber

A sexual partner that demands an uncircumcised male take a shower before engaging in any sexual activity.

You're uncut I see, you must take a shower before I do anything with you because I find the smell revolting! Ok, you pig scrubber!

by Mr Mortician April 8, 2023

bed pig

A small to medium sized domestic cat that when sleeping in the bed with its owner takes up 75% or more of the mattress area.

This horizontal chihuahua is a total bed pig.

by James_onthe_Rocks1 January 10, 2018

Turbo Pig

A Turbo Pig is a promiscuous, confident, and oft charming male or female who displays little if any consideration for his fellow human beings in any number of pursuits which most commonly solely benefit the individual.

Turbo Pigs are generally self-aware, but outwardly display no shame for their well documented antics. He or she will openly comment on a member of the opposite sex in an inappropriate manner regardless of the company being kept at said time.

Turbo Pigs are commonly found in the fields of entertainment, accounting, and amateur and professional sports.

Mate how about Kobe and Rice at the Olympics? Turbo Pig match made in heaven.

by WayneTower September 6, 2012

Like a pig in bacon

When you are involved in an activity or item of work, which has no relevance to you, and isn't enjoyable

"I spent all morning like a pig in bacon. What a waste of time"

by ajsdrummer January 9, 2014