A girl who is responsible for causing boners everywhere she goes.
Chanelle Nasser is such a boner factory.
A phrase to emphasize the worthiness of a thing to where it can give a male an erection
That mask of stuffed animals is truly...
Absolutely Boner Worthy.
A raging boner that occurs after smoking some giggle bush (marijuana)
"Jeezam" Gary thought to himself, "I bet she'll get a load of my bud boner after she sets the bong down."
when your entire body tenses when looking at something you like
i saw Dylan O’Brien on my tv, this gave me a body boner
-anything that a male human finds arousing
That redhead with the bodacious rump really hits me in my boner zone.
An award-winning novel with 14 weeks on the New York Times Bestseller List, The Last Boner delves into the protagonist's inability to "free his willy from the shackles of desolation and dust." The visionary author, Garrett Charms took inspiration from moments from his life to write this novel. He especially drew inspiration from his Summer of 2016 in which he confessed in an interview with TIME magazine that "my spaghetti noodle, whenever I looked at it, made me sad."
Have your read The Last Boner? It's so good! It's a really HARD read.
When someone shits in their pants and it looks like a boner is coming out of their ass.
Amber swung her fists at me, it scared me so bad I developed a butt boner.