Running while hancuffed with the hands behind the back
-The suspect is trying to flee on foot
-Wasn't he handcuffed?
-He's doing a black naruto run
When a person exits a washroom after only briefly rinsing their hands with no soap or concern.
Timmy- "I have to go to the washroom. I'll be back"
Jane - "okay"
5 min later...
Jane - "hey timmy that was quick!"
Timmy - "yeah I just did a rinse and run"
When you ejaculate into a girl or guys) rectum and they shit out the semen.
I gave jessica the white runs last night.
Similar to the baseball play Hit and Run, but where someone, generally a female, hits you with every emotional and physical problem, whines, bitches, etc. and expects full sympathy, but doesn't listen to what anyone else has to say or how stupid she sounds, and runs away before anyone else can speak, generally to the next group of friends.
A large problem indeed.
Jenny: Fuck my life, john says i complain too much, like I hate everything right now, not even funny. Like my tits are flat, i'm fat, daddy says I can't get his Mercedes, I don't get paid enough(etc.)
Mike: But y..*Jenny runs off*
Chris: talk about bitch and run, legit john needs to be done with her.
Typical excuse when shit goes wrong. Even when you’re in the cloud.
Them: why are you getting an error?
You: I’m running an entire bank on my laptop.
Keep On Running - a metaphor to not ever give up and to keep moving forward in life. It is based on the concept that life is journey and in your journey is a personal race to successfully get to and cross the finish line of success and accomplishment. In the race of life are your trials, tribulations, setbacks, and struggles, and it is a marathon and not a sprint. Used in the writings of The RhymistGift and The Consummate Transitioner based on Aesop’s fable “The Tortoise and the Hare.”
Life is a race, and the only way to get to the finish line is to keep on running. Keep on running your race and do not ever stop until you have crossed the finish line. The tortoise was not the swiftest or the strongest, but he won the race, because he kept on running (did not give up) and crossed the finish line. Life is not fair or equal, but you can win your personal race, if you keep on running.
Any time you order delivery or carry out or you go somewhere to eat between the hours of 11:30 and 4:15
Craig and I went to Taco Bell for a stoner run last night.