Basically a dictionary website for words and phrases outside of a normal dictionary, but every single word you find in here somehow means something related to sex
I checked the urban dictionary, but all i found was stuff relating to sex. I don’t think that’s what he was talking about...
A site where slang was supposed to be defined, but turned into a burn book for edgelords, angry kids, political nutjobs across the political spectrum, and sexually frustrated incels.
Urban Dictionary comprised of not one definition without a sexual term, horrendous grammar that'll make someone have a stroke, and more recently: politics, as if we didn't have enough of that.
Bobby: *uses looks up Shark*
Bobby: "huh? I always thought shark was a sea creature, not a sexual position."
George: *looks up Joe Biden*
Urban Dictionary: "tHe bEsT pReSiDeNt eVEr oRaNj mAn bAd rEeEeEeE"
George: :/
R.I.P Urban Dictionary, you were good while quality lasted
Consists of sick cunts adding retarded definitions and a retarded moderation team who want to make it more cHiLd fRiEndLy or some bullshit
person: hey look at this funny definition on urban dictionary
person the 2nd: haha thats funny but the website mods are retards
a place u can put whatever u want lmao
Teacher: Aaaaaaah
The definition of the Urban Dictionary is the douche bag wikipedia
Best Dictionary in the world.
Urban Dictionary is the best for online learning.