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alex is the best dude ever. could not be any better he is perfect and is dank at fortnite.

"alex" "wassup"
"me" "faints"

by fortnit_battle_pass1753 May 18, 2022


A big sexy man with a huge cock.

Usually a SEBS victim and tends to blow holes in girl’s skulls
Fuck you charlie mathie youre a bitch

“I heard alex obliterated jessica’s cranium

by Bigjuicy07 August 1, 2024


Alex the name comes from the word asshole in Greek mythology Alex was a demi god who always had smart things to say to his family and friends or the rest of the demi gods.

"There goes Alex the bully!"

by Anonymouslexii January 29, 2025


A smart yet confused boy, who is just going in the direction life takes him, loves talking and is always available when someone needs help.

Hey Alex I need some advice

by November 20, 2023


Big dog alex is suppppa segsy

"guy" hi alex"
"alex" لا يحصل أبدًا"
"guy " oh my your so amazingly amazing"

by sussssy October 26, 2020


a wrinkly ginger scrote, who looks 30 even though he’s a teenager. pretends to care about you and other people but is the most selfish ugly bitch you have ever met in your life. super ugly. talks to hot girls while having a girlfriend, makes his girlfriend feel insecure, sad, worthless. is the worst boyfriend you could ever have. if you see an alex make sure just to kill yourself so you don’t have to even look at it. Is weirdly obsessed with politics and believes everyone is his friend, when really no one actually fucking likes him LOL. (has small dick, can’t even make anyone finish)

Girl1: OMG is that Alex?

Girl2: EW! i’ve seen it it’s small, don’t go there, you won’t even know it’s in.

by DemonDoorbell June 2, 2024



look at alex. they are a booba

by yeehawhahah November 20, 2021