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A clean word to describe someone’s (usually a male) genitals.

Guy 1 - “yo dude have you seen Blake’s tiny dragon, it’s absolutely tiny!”
Guy 2 - “yeah bro I saw it haha, that dragon Anit big!”
Blake - “bro what are you saying about my dragon? You know it’s legit.”

by MohammedAbdallah73 February 13, 2025


it is believed to be a mythical animal but it actually isnt, the word originates from not that long ago, it has been discovered that the word "dragon" is actually a verb.

Guy 1: Whats dragon?

Guy 2: Dragon deez nuts lol.

by definatelly not you February 13, 2022


A single continuous turd log that extends from the depths of the toilet (out of site) to above the water surface.

After all that exercise and healthy eating yesterday I dropped the most satisfying dragon this morning.

by Scriblets November 28, 2023


The Dragon reffers to marijuana. It is called a dragon because marijuana has mystical powers just liek a dragon. the Dragon has levels based on the size of it.

Jim: "yoo, i just smoked a level 20 dragon all by myself and im like, dudeee..."
Kyle: "that must of been an epic dragon you rode"
Jim: "that weed was craaazy"

by bbqhaxor June 13, 2011


Dragon these balls across your face tonight

Mellisa: There is so many dragons

Carl: guess what
Mellisa: What?
Carl: I’ll be dragon these balls across your face tonight

by Imgaymeme November 1, 2019



I love dragon dogs

by long dog December 13, 2018


Creature that you see ,when you are stoned!

*taking cocaine*
Me:Wtf is that flying outside.
Dragon is a creature.

by uroscar5 March 30, 2016