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Saddle Brook Middle School

A public middle school with only two grade levels, wears uniforms and hates half the teachers. Most of the 7th graders think they're the shit and the 8th grade boys are retarded. Most drama is with kids from other towns. The VP is shit and everyone hates the VP. 8th grade girls get with high school guys and than get stoned. Can't go a week without fucking something up. Announcements about "phones away" comes on every 2 fucking seconds. The 8th graders complain about the 7th graders even tho they was them last year and act like they did some Houdini shit and skipped a year. Basically, sbms is filled with kids who don't give 2 shits if they pass or not.

Person One- "Yo, you go to Saddle Brook Middle School?"

Person Two- "Yeah dude, all we do is fuck around

Person One- "Damn good think I don't go to sbms."

by anonn201 January 9, 2016

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matawan aberdeen middle school

filled with lots of hoes. all of the boys think they are so cool, especially when the white boys throw up gang signs. most of the teachers are nice, but some of them are just witches. we have a few soundcloud/ youtube rappers that think their the shit. the food is okay but i honestly only ate the pizza. there is always at least 50 fights a year, in school and out of school.

matawan aberdeen middle school kids suck.

by saveyourselffromhell September 21, 2019

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gilbert paterson middle school

Gilbert Paterson Middle School is located in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. And is full of rich annoying Mormons who get offended by the slightest things, and poor kids who smoke marijuana. It is also full of attention whores who cut/threaten to kill themselves on a daily basis.

Person #1: Hey you must go to Gilbert Paterson Middle School

Person#2: yeah I do how did you know?

Person #1: you're Mormon.

by Pinguthepenguin77 October 27, 2017

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Hood river middle school

There Booty licking horse fucking drugies they put it in there mom before school and don’t pull out our dang is spitter are quitters don’t be a hoe!

Jeff- yo you put it in your mom this morning

Bob-hell yah

Gerald- oof hood river middle school bro

by Bootythotmaxamoude January 11, 2019

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Gilbert stuart middle school

Gilbert Stuart is a dirty ass old school,the principal with her ugly ass dresses and nasty ass rain boots,tall white ugly nigga with his loud ass always yelling at somebody to do sum, always making the same lunch which is that nasty ass pizza that’s not even cook correctly and the teachers are annoying asf 😂.

Matthew~ You go to Gilbert Stuart middle school ?
Me~ yea bro

Matthew~ Damn nigga do better.

by Ewbbaja October 3, 2021

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Maricopa wells middle school

•a school where people think there the shit
•no fine niggas
•no good ass fights
• loud ass security guard wit thick ass eyebrows

•a principal who think the outside nice alla time

•teachers that think they run shit all the time
•teachers that think they scaring mfs
•cheerleaders who ugly asf and can’t cheer

ratchet ass black girls
•football team is ass

Hey have you heard of that ass school ,maricopa wells middle school ? “Yeah that school is ass

by You don’t need to know but 🧚🏽‍♀️🏌🏽‍♀️ November 24, 2019

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Belen middle school NM


belen middle school Nm is very gay

by Aedan is gay November 8, 2019

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