Source Code

scibetta fire

a fire of great magnitude, back in the woods or out of the from the city (possibly next to a body of water). Just a whole all around great time.

Johnny: Hey man whats your plans tonight?
Nick: Im throwing another party tonight if you want to come
Johnny: if you make it a scibetta fire ill be there!

by Fireguy261 September 8, 2013

Alabama fire man

Peyton wells volunteer fire fighter doing hot shit with Waylon booker his number is 251 743 3932

I just saw them doing the Alabama fire man with him

by Mrs. Nancy May 20, 2022

Fire Bukkake

what happened to the toxicology place in knives out

does this even really matter Fire bukkake deal with it.

by darkclaw wolfgod December 29, 2023

horse fire

It's not what you think, but exactly what you expect.

Expecting an outcome but being surprised on how it comes to be.

Morty: Aww geez Rick, what are we gonna do?

Rick: I don't know Morty, I mean this entire situation is a horse fire.

Morty: A what?

Rick: It's a horse fire morty, I mean I expected these Mongoloid Raptors to try and kill us, but I didn't think they'd use sardonic malorganite to try and do it. This is bad Morty. Real bad.

Morty: I still don't understand where the horse comes in?

Rick: Priorities Morty! Space raptors are trying to kill us with one of the universe's deadliest weapons and you're still hung up on grandpa's vocabulary!

Morty: Yea but..

Rick: But nothing Morty!! It's a real phrase!! You can look it up on Urban Dictionary if we make it out of this horse fire of a situation!!

by WolfgangSpartacus May 11, 2021

128.11 85.13 fire hell

Fire hell

128.11 85.13 Fire hell a place on earth north east south west. The Bible says the world ends in fire that's the same definition as Aug 11 k 423 deg

by Lednas semaj December 31, 2024

fire truck

When you say “what starts with F and ends with CK” and then dad starts to get upset at you and then you tell him that it’s fire truck

Me: “what starts with F and ends with CK
Dad: worried/mad af

Me: “its fire truck”

Dad: oh 😯

by Fantastic Shortstop August 21, 2021

Fire is Fucked

Pharse; When a fire gets out of control and starts sparking and setting things on fire.

"Oh, this fire is fucked. We need to get out of here!"

by AbbySalz January 10, 2017