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rat brained

when you get super drunk off your ass

”I got so rat brained last night that i peed the bed

by ratbrainedhoss March 2, 2023

diarrhea of the brain

sloppy drunken state when you can not be serious even if the situation calls for it.

corn has diarrhea of the brain.

your so annoying its like you have diarrhea of the brain

by neonpunk22 February 22, 2013

dick brain

if you’re a dick brain you have low self-esteem and are pushed around easily but the dumbest person ever

that dude is a dick brain

by Duh Vish April 3, 2019

Dick Brain

When your dick is so hard, you see the veins bulging out of the head.

Damn bro she so hot, I know man she’s giving me a serious case of dick Brain.

by Dick_Brain_Pain_23 November 15, 2019

boulder brain

A boulder brain is a Norfolk inbread male, who is over weight has poor hygiene, rarely washes towels sheets.... stresses over everything but not as much as his trouser button. Pants always down crack showing. Loverble, simple, germ ridden.

Lewis,you boulder brain, go have a wash!

by Neilwill September 26, 2019

Super Brain

People tend to say this when they don't know any other larger words. Such as; psychic.

"are you a super brain?!"

by Cindyy November 7, 2007

Brain Awoken

It’s a word for saying that you are smart and aware what’s going on in the world opposite of brain dead

I’m not “brain dead” I’m brain awoken

by John46778 May 23, 2022