George is a very fun guy, he has a childish personality and loves animals. A George is really talented and works fast. He will always be there for his friends, and he is very good looking.
George is so nice
The crustiest specimen ever made. If you go close to him you will see his lips cracking with crust.He NEVER wears shorts because his knees are too ashy. His breath stinks.
Is that George offer him some vaseline his lips are dry!
The crustiest boy you could ever meet. Has bad ,stinky breath and NEVER wears shorts because he has ashy knees. If you go close to him his lips are dry and cracking.
‘WOW is that George?, He needs some Vaseline!’
George is nothing . NOTHING CAN DO BEST IN HIS WHOLE LIFE. Easily get hurt especially for the one he loves. He cry but nothing change in his life.
Honest to God takes the Weirdest shits on earth. Stay away from his Snapchat if you know what’s good for you
-I’m bursting for a shit!
-For god sake man whatever you do, don’t do a George
George are usually men with big boobs and big butt who just love to eat so much, they can eat day and night, george loves barbecue chicken wings. George are always very sexy and know how to seduce woman with their incredible perky boobs. George are usually paired up with an Elissa and are always "getting down to it"
Woah that's a george, damn those booooobs