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Strong Vincent Middle School

Strong Vincent Middle School is home to thots, simps, and retards. There are also chill guys there and funny meme suppliers. It's a school for the most epic, and elite. (For the most part)

The teachers range from huge dicks to epic funny and chill people. Lunch is decent, and every hour there is at least one fight that injures many people. The library has a few good books, but they are always taken out when you want to read them. Principles are chill. Class meetings are boring but waste class time, so that is a good thing.

Students at Strong Vincent Middle School usually like anime and Minecraft. Every student probably has Discord and a Twitter account. "Rules are meant to be broken" that is what us students live by.

Me: Have you been to Strong Vincent Middle School lately?
A Friend: Yeah man, I learned like, 1 thing and almost lost my lungs.

by Fumetsu Fox January 4, 2021

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Holley-Navarre Middle School

Another word for hell/a place of great suffering.

"I hope that criminal ends up in Holley-Navarre Middle School, he certainly deserves it."

by Broekn November 8, 2021

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chambersburg area middle school

A place full of ghetto people that make their own rules

Fuck chambersburg area middle school I do what the fuck I want

by A nice slut January 15, 2019

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Feagin Mill Middle School

It is a very nice place but in the boys bathroom you can not take a peaceful pee or poop

Feagin Mill Middle school bathroom is wierd

by cvxjcvknlvfnb December 8, 2021

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feagin mill middle school

The Office, season 7, episode 19, minute 14:45.

Feagin Mill Middle School makes me want to unironically die.

by Meme Lord420420 April 23, 2018

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middle school popular crowd

Basically kids in middle school who act like they run the place, but as soon as you get to highscool they become irrelevent af. So dont worry middle schoolers your time will come

Ugh look at Ashley and her middle school popular crowd

by Hey1b March 23, 2017

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Frank loyd wright middle school

The stupidest school out there, where everyone is fake and if u aint nobody know u, ppl change up rlly quick here and ditch u easily

oh that girl is fake cuz she go to Frank loyd wright middle school

by bitch from FLW January 18, 2019