A cover up of "oh shit", a sudden outburst after a mistake is made.
Sarcasm. I can't believe this needs explanation. Due to the overuse of 'lol' and it's lack of actually laughing out loud, 99% of the time.
If you hear someone say out loud, verbatim, "El. Oh. El." are they ever serious...? Of course NOT, twat!
LOL but spelled because no one actualy says laugh out oout loud. could also be elle au elle, el eau elle, or really any other way to spell it!
you're so funny el oh el!
Trying to say “Lol” but hinting that the person saying it is a homosexual
Mark: Dude have you seen this funny video?
Logan: El Oh El!
the definition of “oh my niggagod” is oh my god nigga
“oh my niggagod ur so fucking retarted killyourself”
Said every fucking white girl in America who thinks she's cool, mystique, and spiritual because she knows about obsolete astrology concepts and just told you this because you did some minor stupid shit and Capricorn happens to be your sign. The application may vary depending on the victim's corresponding zodiac sign.
You, a Capricorn: "Hey guys I'll be right back, I gotta clean up some glass from a vase I knocked over."
That one fucking bitch at the party: "Oh my god, you are such a Capricorn"