Originally from Snow White and sang by 7 midgets working in a mine, needs to be said to describe 7 annoying midgets.
Person 1: Have you heard of the 7 midgets in the mining club?
Person 2: I bet they sing I ho I ho all day long.
Origin: Tujunga, California, a suburb located in the foothills northwest of Los Angeles, informally known as the meth addict capitol of the world. Author unknown. A term of blistering contempt, scorn and derision to indicate a woman who is addicted to meth usually homeless, couch-surfing and unemployed, emaciated, toothless, dehydrated, scraggly-haired, raggedly-dressed, who hasn't slept, eaten, drunk water, showered or brushed her teeth or her hair in days because she is wholly obsessed and focused on following around, catering to and/or performing for the dealer who's holding her next bump/hit/issue of the drug.
Karla: "Bitch, get over here so I can kick your ass, don't make me come over there!"
Phyllis: "Oh, hell, no, I'm not going to roll around on the ground like some clown and end up in jail because of a no-class, two-bit bag-chasin' ho like you!"
A woman who jumps from a relationship with one man to his friend and then more of his friends.
That Kaycee is a real club house ho, first she wit Frank then she banged Frank's friend Mike & now Mikes friend Ray Ray banging her.
Maddi Bullock is such a blobby ho bag
Blobby ho bag means - a fat whore
Often shortened to: NYHH. A competition wherein multiple whammen fit larger and larger hoagies into their front hole (the scientifically correct term for pussy). The sport was original invented in New York in 1873, it is now a staple in competitions taking place in Sweden. As of 2018, NYHH is not an olympic sport, but Sweden is petitioning for it to be added.
"Damn, I went to Sweden and saw a bunch of wo-people in a New York Hoagie Ho-down in the park."
A girl frequented sexually assaulted often as someone drives down a dirt road
That dusty road ho has been rode hard and tore up like a shortcut to the fishing hole
A form of Nervous or excited laughter. Namely the sound you make when something surprises, excites or alarms you. A kind of Hoh hoh sound.
I was enjoying filming the wind & rain getting heavier and suddenly there was an almighty flash. And I started Ho Ho-ing.