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facebook mom

a karen when she goes online

person 1: why are we here? there's not really a sentance with "facebook mom" in it.
person 2: i agree

by Pancakez!!X3 June 7, 2022

facebook mom

69 yrs old karen who always posts minions memes on facebook and she also always smokes drugs

facebook mom: GO OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!1 goes back to posting random shit on her facebook lol

by bananabrainnnnn June 30, 2022

facebook mom

they are the type of moms that post what happened on their daily lives such as going to the mall with their friends, making breakfast for their children, celebrating a party and so much more.

"A Facebook mom posted a picture going out with her friends at the mall."

by replies November 30, 2022

Facebook Syphilis

A chronic cognitive impairment that is contracted chiefly by infection during unprotected use of Facebook. As the Facebook core demographic drifts older and to the right: the toxic memes and viral bullshit on your feed will fry your brain like a Sunday walk through Chernobyl.

Like regular Syphilis, those infected should expect to have their brains turn into swiss cheese.

There is no known cure.

My dad will not stop talking about how 5g can communicate with the COVID vaccine. I think he has Facebook Syphilis.

by TheFattestWeaboo July 26, 2022


Many on facebook take advantage of simple concepts to push their own agenda. Taking Random pictures and assigning one's own meaning without regard to context....being obtuse to promote one's agenda.

That picture clearly showed a picture of a happy infant, but your facebookism turned this into an abortion discussion.

by FaceBooger November 9, 2018

Facebook taggroup addict

A Facebook taggroup addict is a person who becomes a fan of almost every single tag page that facebook has to offer. These individuals spend most of their time looking for pages that they closely associate with. These individuals believe that by becoming members of such pages, it reflects their personality.

Another reason Facebook taggroup addict might join such groups is because the group page may contain a humorous picture. However, most of these groups on facebook require that a user first become a member in order to see the content. Human curiosity will take over the tag-addict, so they will almost inevitably join the group in order to see the content.

A Facebook taggroup addict is easy to spot.

There are no known cures for Facebook taggroup addiction. The best a group-addict can do is join enough pages to the point where facebook will not let them become a member of anymore groups. The current limit for groups that a single user can have is around 2000.

"Look at her, she's a member of 200+ taggroups, she must be a complete Facebook taggroup addict"

"Mein gott, he keeps tagging me in 10 taggroups a day, I think this Facebook taggroup addict needs some help!"

by Letter M April 25, 2019

facebook angles

The bringing-back of the usage of "myspace angles", but to facebook.

R: Yo AP, you feeling nostalgia for myspace? Your new default pic's got the angles.

AP: Yeah man, I'm starting a new movement for the facebook angles.

by IAmCainMarko December 7, 2010