You know you go to PGMS when...
1) You're addicted to the cookies
2) Your math teacher is either extremely awkward or insane
3) You have played the part of a duck, a farmer, a cowboy, a girl who cant say no, a stripper, or a gangster in the school play.
4) The popular group is more than 50% of your graduating class.
5) The band kicks ass.
6) Your school has an elevator ^^ (yes little children. drop at my feet in awe.)
7) You have had or know of a history teacher who showed you a video about eating a tiger penis.
8) People are very competitive in bingo.
9) There are stripper poles in the woodshop room.
10) There is a plant that looks like marijuana in a planter box by a certain teacher's (see #7) room.
11) Babies are to be placed on shelves.
12) Your music teachers definition of pop music is "Music of the Night" from the Phantom of the Opera.
#12 Sheldon: Hey, can we play a pop song this year at for orchestra?
Mrs. Priest: Oh, yeah, sure, like Music of the Night?
#2 Mr. Mello: -places hand on Rhonda's shoulder- Smells like rain.
Pacific Grove Middle School (PGMS)- its where it happens.
48π 9π
ugly ass fat bitches and white kids that suck dick just to get their bus ticket home. the people and teachers at the school look like characters from big mouth and then rusty dusty ass hoes needa learn how to do their eyebrows them shits look like they sponsored by Nike. They edges look like lines coming out their forehead. isaac is better BIG ISAAC FYM
Albert Leonard middle school-
isaac is better
6π 19π
Gay ass school full of white little brats. Isaac is way fucking better that those hoes. They think they are βthe shitβ because their mpmma got moneyy
albert leonard middle school is gay
8π 28π
Microwaveless hell hole. A place for depressed children to become even more depressed as soon as they get their first 89%. If you get an "elective" you don't get to choose it. Mastery is the only thing that matters and you would gladly give your soul to pass all your classes. All students want is to get the hell out of there. Walls? Never heard of them. Will to live? Who's she? We are depressed children. And if you go to mecms the last sentence made you think about the habits, which,if you don't, is a morning ritual chant that's all part of our principals overall goal to turn this school in to proper cult.
If you're considering going there run. Now.
And they're making an elementary school too.
Person:"See that girl who looks like she wants to die?"
Person 2: "that's because she goes to metro Early college middle School"
Nmbms aka north myrtle beach middle school is a popular school within horry county. The staff at the school are bad people. They try to expell every student after 5 incident referrals. The school takes bribes in money to change grades.
North myrtle beach middle school is a bad place.
19π 3π
Richmond Middle School is full of white trash, assholes and druggies. You should NEVER consider sending your children here unless if you're on crack and don't give a shit about your children and want them to have the worst education provided by the state. Worst school in Michigan
Look at that white trash from Richmond Middle School (Michigan)
2π 4π
Derived from the Portugeese Breakfast; Once you pour in the eggs, spread some hummus on the vagina and then begin intercourse.
Shannon: Let's fuck!
Mike: Yeah, let's do the Middle-Eastern Breakfast!
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