Most compatible with someone named Laralyn.
Is ryan your mans?
Nah, hes too busy with laralyn.
Most compatible with someone named laralyn.
Is Ryan your bf?
Nah, hes Laralyn’s.
Most compatible with someone named laralyn.
Is Ryan your bf?
Nah, hes Laralyn’s.
Extremely cute, and hot, and caring. Loves his family and friends a lot, but don’t be mean to them, or he will come after you. He can be a very nice boyfriend, and really likes joking teasing his girlfriend. He has an extremely dirty mind, but doesn’t really show it, unless someone makes a dirty joke or comment. He tends to not know his girlfriends want to do anything sexual, unless they actually insinuate something.
He is shy and quiet when you first meet him, but opens up, and becomes really talkative and open after he becomes friends or partners with you. He doesn’t really want to do anything coupley for the first month at least, and makes excuses covered as jokes of why he doesn’t want to hold hands, or kiss. You have to give him time to learn about you, and think about what you mean to him.
In order to do anything sexual or coupley, you must show him what you want him to do first, maybe a couple of times, in order for him to get what you’re meaning.
He needs space in the beginning of the relationship, especially when he’s spending time with his friends. But when you two are alone, he devotes all his attention to you, and you alone. When this moment happens, know that he wants to spend even more and more time with you, and doesn’t want to leave.
I really want a boyfriend like Ryan!
I would love to have a friend like Ryan.
gay asss bitch who cant satisfy his 40 year old mexican man girlfrind
that faggot ryan cant make kate finish
Ryan is the sweetest, kindest guy you will meet in your entire life. He is super smart, but people don't see it at first. He's extremely talented, and has a knack for many things. He may seem really shy and quiet at first, but inside he's so goofy and kind.
Dang, Ryan is the sweetest guy I have ever met in my life!
Ryan is a boy at times but other times a girl. He loves putting on makeup and getting head by his male classmates. He likes gossiping about boys with his girl friends as his hobby. Youtube is his life.
Person 1: Wow Ryan is so cool
Person 2: Yeah but he’s just so gay