A form of Nervous or excited laughter. Namely the sound you make when something surprises, excites or alarms you. A kind of Hoh hoh sound.
I was enjoying filming the wind & rain getting heavier and suddenly there was an almighty flash. And I started Ho Ho-ing.
A disposable whore, especially when one has a wife or steady girlfriend.
She's his dispos-a-ho, so he doesn't want to hear about her problems.
1. Any Ho that interferes with SKÖL Bro
2. A woman that is dating or is married to a SKÖL Bro.
Consecratin' dat ho : verb - a reference to a sacramental Eucharistic ceremony in which "dat ho" is deemed exceptionally sacred through the reception of a male's seed which forms into a host for the spirit of God, a child, that is so significant it requires a level of praise.
"I just blessed my girl wit da best gift eve' - put a baby in her! I be Consecratin' dat ho!"
When an evil vampire baby attacks you through nightmares while you’re traveling with your bros in the desert
Guy one: that baby is looking mad suspicious
Baby: Lali-Ho
Tied up by the front teeth and dragged through a pile of Jordan dicks mouth first while accruing copious amounts of brown boi oil in your bottom lip
Fuck you cunt, you deserve to get it-hoed