When a girl gives a guy a blow job while she has ice in her mouth.
Deennnnggggg she gave me the bombest ice-blowie, now you wanna go do some gay shit?
When a man dips his balls in liquid nitrogen and walks around looking for people to lick them.
Dude, just had my balls liquid nitro'd, gonna go out and look for people willing to lick the ice cube.
A dessert made from ice cubes and cream, often to be confused with ice cream.
Creamed ice is a traditional dish of Norway.
Today we are going to make some ice cream, not to be confused with creamed ice, the official cereal of Norway.
Finishing a long week of finals and celebrating with ice cream.
Those finals were hard. Its ice cream final time
Mom: What's this weird looking ice cube mold doing in the freezer?
Daughter: Oh, that's my ice pick willy
best wallows song no one cares if you think otherwise
person: the best wallows song isnt ice cold pool
me: shut the fuck up
Ice has two main meanings. Number one is the grammatical term meaning frozen water that is very cold and people find it extremely satisfying to break it on tiktok.
Definition number two is someone can have ice on them. This can mean two things they either actually have ice on them or they have very sparkly jewelry on there wrist such as a rolex with diamonds. You can also have ice on your neck if you have a diamond encrusted necklace or chain.
Man 1- Yo homie your watch is lookin Ice/Iced out.
Man 2- Thanks bro
Women 1- Yo girl that necklace is lookin Ice/Iced out
Women 2- Thanks girlfriend