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The ultimate aspiration of both individual humans and human society as a whole. The main issue with the obstacles in our way? Every time we move past one, we build another three up for ourselves. And ambition is a terrible thing.

"I have all of these dreams, you know, but I think the only reason I have them is because I just want happiness in the end. That's it."

by AquaDragon29 February 10, 2023


Happiness? The feeling when life is just doing you well and you feel blessed. Nothing can ruin your mood and you're always smiling.

Wow look at Leila she's glowing with pure happiness.

by leggofam August 30, 2015


Noun | To be enjoying yourself. Not just after good news or something, but when you truly are enjoying yourself.

Imagine you just had a child. After years of good memories with your wife and your growing son/daughter, they finally finish school. They're a successful person. They become a professional doctor, and save the lives of dozens of humans. And still, your child has the time to be with you. They support you, just how you supported them. It would make you feel HAPPINESS.

Imagine you're a firefighter. You hear that an entire building is on fire, with several people inside. You manage to get there just in time, and save every single person. A man, a woman, three children, a dog and a cat. You saved them all, and they will forever praise you. It would make you feel HAPPINESS.

If you have depression, don't let it stop you from being happy. Depression isn't a fist. It can't make you kill yourself. If it wants you dead, it should consider shutting down your organs. But will it? No. Depression can't do anything to you if you're feeling HAPPINESS.

Be yourself, and be good. Save others, and save yourself. MAKE OTHERS HAPPY, AND BE HAPPY!!!

Man: Hey, are you okay?
Woman: No, I've been having some trouble in life.
Man: I can help you.
Woman: Really? You would do that?
Man: Yes. Anything to help you feel HAPPINESS like me.

by RandomMoron March 13, 2020


Literally "ha! Penis!"

A codeword for NSFW posts.

Look at this comic; it's total happiness.

by MeganFriesen August 14, 2014



Me: I just learned the meaning of happiness!
Mom: What is it?
Me: Drugs...

by lilicgrace1241 February 12, 2020


A concept no one can grasp truly because we're all assholes.

Guy 1: Hey bro, I got a new car and couldn't be filled with greater happiness.
Guy 2: Dwight, you ignorant slut.

by TheGirlWithTheCurves January 22, 2019


It’s like when a person manages to make you smile even with a small gesture, without even realizing it

Happiness can sometimes be someone

by youthmnie July 30, 2021