ex guittarist of US pop punk band Panic! at the Disco who was expelled after it was discovered that he was being innapropriate with underage girls, and used his position to take advantage of said girls
Girl:Hey did you hear about Kenneth Harris?
Boy:Yeah, he's gross
An amazing, adorable cutie who will steal your heart. He’s perfect and you just can’t help falling in love with him. Harrys are usually a little awkward, but once you get to know them, they’re the funniest, most caring person you’ll ever meet. If you’ve got a Harry, you may as well have won the lottery, cause you can’t get any better than that.He usually goes for one of his good friends.He likes brunette, and is most attracted to a girl with a good personality and looks.
“Harry best sits next to a cute girl in English”
“Who’s Harry best sitting next to..”
One of the realist people you will meet and if she is in ur life she would give hers up for you! She is a true vision of grace and beauty both inside and out She will always see the good in people or things as long as you dont take her kindness for a weakness or take advantage of her she will be loyal honest and never go behind your back but if you betray her she will act as if she never met you and the time you shared never existed and that will hurt more than anything she could ever do to you because you will look for a Jessica Harris in everyone you meet and there will always be a void only she can fill
She is kind and pretty but she is no Jessica Harris
A good friend who follows christ. He plays a lot of Fortnite. And is 6'4. He babbles in the Troclay Modo tounge. He and Adrian Perez are the founding fathers of flampel trode.
After Nikai Harris taped up his head phones. He was chillin in mr Lazers class listening to White Ferrari
A Harry Morris is an extremely sexy person who when is around makes any girl extremely wetland aroused!
Commonly acknowledged as the hottest phase of former One Direction member Harry Styles, during their Take Me Home tour circa 2013. Back then he was a full-course meal, a true blessing for the human race, a gift carved by the Sex God himself, a bastion of testosterone-fueled masculinity, a tanned-skin-huge-tattooed-biceps-colgate-white-smirk-long-slicked-back-curly-hair-lowkey-stripper-cocky-ass-looking-boy.
A: Bro wtf I just had a wet dream about TMH Harry.
B: I think it's because ur girlfriend won't stop talking about how hot af he was
A: Yeah that dude has 100% chance of stealing my girl
B: Not only your girl bro
A: Dafuq you mean bro
B: He might as well steal our anal virginity bro
A: K but ... No homo bro
B: Yeah homo bro. 10/10 would bang