A single man in the the swinger community. He isn't married, but "plays" w married women or couples.
They had been married for years and decided to find a dragon and have an MFM.
a person who is slightly retarded, who loves doing a dirty sanchez at any given time, and who is just plain awesome, and someone who also loves the Jonas Brothers
Man did you talk to michelle? She is such a dragon!!
Drag on deez nuts across your face
Thomas - hey you like dragons?
- yeah why
Thomas - than drag on deez nuts across your face
- goddamnit Thomas you did it again
A dragon is anyone who has the ability to have passionate verbal and/or noverbal conversations with you that leaves you intellectually, sexually, and/or spiritually passionate after having a fire conversation.
It can also be a person who seems formidable to approach, but once approached they show you a personality and a character that allows you to see beyond their demeanoor or exterior.
Due to the mythical association with the word, it also means that this person is rare and has the power to either make you feel like The Avatar, The Donkey in Shrek, or the enemies or allies of Daenerys Taragaryen on Game of Thrones.
"Met a female dragon, had a fire conversation." -Lil' Wayne, HYFR
This is used as a name for a girl or women who is unfriendly and frightening.
“That girl scratched me, shes such a dragon!!!”