There's four people coming. If I were you I would run.
Anddddd we lost.
To run out of rope means that you are losing your patience.
a trolley run is an activity in which you go into a supermarket, fill your trolley with items and then leave it in an aisle and run for your life.
"hey, wanna do a trolley run later?"
"sure, let's go!"
To get down to Glover Reserve in Devon Meadows. This could mean for a kick, tennis or hang out. It is essential that you bring a bike for a tonys run.
Slang for aggressive, gay sex.
Gaymer #1: Bro, wanna run some 2's?
Gaymer #2: Hell yeah brother!
A 'body flap buckling run' is when a greased up derby girl skates full speed into a man only wearing a sombrero, slaps his balls with a ping pong paddle, then lights his hair on fire.
She gave him the 'ole body flap buckling run!'
A thought that you instantly forget when barely distracted by something but it hits you like hell that you cant remember it afterwards
Person thinks: *submit assignment*
Person: oh cool cat video
Person: *forgets*
Person: Wtf did I want to do, again? Shit, hit and run thought